Family Experience Podcast Pregnancy & Birth

Family of 4

It’s been a while since I last wrote on the blog. To be quite honest, it has been a little hard to keep up as a full-time, working-pregnant mom of a toddler and podcaster. Not only was my energy low, but writing, editing and producing my podcast is also very time consuming. Nonetheless, I let […]

Family Experience Mental Health Pandemic Podcast Pregnancy & Birth

Daycare Diaries (S1, E10)

In Episode 10 I will share a brief on pregnancy updates and our first week of returning to daycare. Although we had more thorns than rose this week, I share how my doctor’s helped me feel more at ease with all these changes we are experiencing.  Lastly, I finish with talking about some methods I […]

Family Experience Gender Roles

Foundations of Parenting

Today I am taking you on my thought process journey around the foundations of parenting. Because let me tell you, I am learning, just like you. Okay, so in starting with the beginning of anything, we must start with the groundwork of it all.  So I started asking myself, what is the foundation of parenting? […]

Family Experience

House Mead

Before I continue to write my experience around the ideas/ideals I have as a parent and partner, I believe I owe it to them to honor their beings. As I have mentioned, my name is Araceli Espinoza Mead; 32 years old, living in Oakland, California, doing community work. My husband works for an art nonprofit […]

Family Experience Gender Roles

Defining Radical Momma

On this blogging journey, I want to openly work on my motherhood, assessing how I raise a conscious human. Like, what does that even mean? The definition of radical I will be using is the adjective, a word of quality and content. Radical: adj. characterized by independence of a departure from a tradition; innovative or […]