Family Experience Gender Roles

A Rad Momma’s Feminist Philosophy

This episode, I discuss the her/history on the F-word “Feminism,” where it came from and how it has evolved to our contemporary experiences. This is an intersectional approach that touches on menstruation, educational and professional experiences, and the Madonna-Whore paradox. Of course we can’t unpack everything in 40 minutes, but it is a start. Subscribe […]

Family Experience Gender Roles

Foundations of Parenting

Today I am taking you on my thought process journey around the foundations of parenting. Because let me tell you, I am learning, just like you. Okay, so in starting with the beginning of anything, we must start with the groundwork of it all.  So I started asking myself, what is the foundation of parenting? […]

Gender Roles

Gender Roles in the Home: Part I

“Mija, debes de saber a cocinar, o nadie te va casar.” “Un esposo no va querer un esposa que no puede cuidar a la casa.” Those are just a couple of the dichos my family would tell me and my sisters when we were young girls. I have always hate these dichos. As a young […]

Family Experience Gender Roles

Defining Radical Momma

On this blogging journey, I want to openly work on my motherhood, assessing how I raise a conscious human. Like, what does that even mean? The definition of radical I will be using is the adjective, a word of quality and content. Radical: adj. characterized by independence of a departure from a tradition; innovative or […]