Family Experience Pregnancy & Birth


Really pushing this blog and podcast further along – being open to this process. Working on Student Loans and clearing credit card debt. Creating quality family space and time – hiking, outdoor museums, and more cultural experiences. Family gatherings (we didn’t visit our families in 2020) Start planning for baby number 2 (that’s my goal, […]

Family Experience Mental Health Pandemic


Hey rad familia! As we round out the end of the year, I wanted to share a few reflections I have been having for a while now. A few months ago, possibly around September 2020, my niece S asked me, “Tia Chely, if you had to describe 2020 in one word, what would it be?” […]

Family Experience Pandemic

Mommahood during the Pandemic

March 12, 2020 Oakland Unified School District closed their doors for the remainder of the week, and planned to be closed for two weeks, while running into Spring Break, making our planned quarantine three weeks long. March 13, 2020 In less than 24 hours, we had to change our morning plan for our staff meeting. […]

Family Experience

Ro’s Birth Story

Ro was born in early September of 2019. As much as I would love to say that she is my first pregnancy, that is not the case. I had a miscarriage in spring of 2017. This obviously influenced the way I moved and accepted my pregnancy journey. This makes Ro extra special to us, she […]

Family Experience Pregnancy & Birth

The Birth Plan

My child is turning one this September. As this day gets closer, I have become more reflective on the preparation that occurred leading up to Ro’s birth. I dedicate this post to my best friend, so when the time comes she might find comfort in the journeys of all birthers before her. I think all […]

Gender Roles

Gender Roles in the Home: Part I

“Mija, debes de saber a cocinar, o nadie te va casar.” “Un esposo no va querer un esposa que no puede cuidar a la casa.” Those are just a couple of the dichos my family would tell me and my sisters when we were young girls. I have always hate these dichos. As a young […]

Family Experience

House Mead

Before I continue to write my experience around the ideas/ideals I have as a parent and partner, I believe I owe it to them to honor their beings. As I have mentioned, my name is Araceli Espinoza Mead; 32 years old, living in Oakland, California, doing community work. My husband works for an art nonprofit […]

Family Experience Gender Roles

Defining Radical Momma

On this blogging journey, I want to openly work on my motherhood, assessing how I raise a conscious human. Like, what does that even mean? The definition of radical I will be using is the adjective, a word of quality and content. Radical: adj. characterized by independence of a departure from a tradition; innovative or […]

Family Experience

Hola, buenos dias

Today is a sunny Saturday, where my husband has UFC in the background getting chased by our almost 11 month old daughter. I hope that my voice and research to come is helpful to other brown and BIPOC mothers who are in the beginning, middle, or master places of their praxis. In this blog I […]