Family Experience Podcast Pregnancy & Birth

Family of 4

It’s been a while since I last wrote on the blog. To be quite honest, it has been a little hard to keep up as a full-time, working-pregnant mom of a toddler and podcaster. Not only was my energy low, but writing, editing and producing my podcast is also very time consuming. Nonetheless, I let go of invisible expectations as it pertains to this blog and podcast – they’re quite arbitrary.

Currently, I am in bed, on maternity leave with my one month old in my arms. My husband and daughter are napping and my mother-in-law is also visiting. Having family visit and support us, has been our biggest blessing during this time of adjustment. As a new family of 4 it is a little harder to keep up with house duties when your toddler runs around and the newborn wakes up constantly for 2+ hours in the middle of the night. It has been an adjustment but we are totally surviving.

This week we have been able to either sleep in (me) or take daily afternoon naps (husband). My mother-in-law came prepared with activities for my toddler to keep her busy and to bond together. She has also helped with picking up the small stuff and doing laundry. It’s been a lot of help! Honestly, if you are reading this and live away from family, I urge you to seek familial support wherever you can!

Before my mother-in-law came to visit, my parents came to stay and help us out during the first week after giving birth. They drove up from LA the day I was in the hospital giving birth, to pick up my toddler from daycare and to care for her while we were away. During that first week, my mom definitely supported with food, cleaning and washing laundry. My dad tried to help with our toddler, but anyone who knows a toddler knows that it can be tricky during a huge change.

Photography by Nataly Zigdon

So I am on here to say that we are surviving this new chapter in our lives. We have had so many budding roses and a few little thorns as the have adjusted to this new phase. Most of the thorns has to do with either lack of sleep or when we are having a hard time with our toddler and are at a loss to help her out. My biggest rose though is seeing my oldest become a big sister and loving on her little sister. She is taking to the role with an open heart and excitement. It wasn’t easy to get here, but we found our way. As parents we had to learn how to adapt to the needs of both babies, relearn how to schedule our nighttime feedings, and how to support each other when we are both exhausted. Luckily my husband and I are in a place that we have worked very hard to get to. We practice giving each other grace, expressing our needs, setting appropriate expectations for each other, ourselves, and for our toddler. This is something we have worked very hard to get to during the pandemic; you can heard about it on the final episode of season 1 (Los Meads).

To close it all up, I will express with you all that I feel our family is complete. We have our two sweet girls, and live in a multicultural community, surrounded by our chosen family.

Season 2 – A Season of Transformation

Stay tuned for Season 2, Episode 1, with details about my birth story and how we supported our toddler to adjust to life as a big sister.